Wednesday, March 20, 2013

We had our friend Adileah Damon capture a few shots when Lydia
was 7 weeks old.  It's a good thing, as I've discovered we've taken very 
few close-up pictures of her.
Unfortunately, the whole process made L. very sleepy.   So we still
 have very few awake shots.  :-)  

Love this one.  Such a typical face.  Her father likes to encourage 
her to make faces at times.  I think he will live to regret it. :-)

I'm trying to get acquainted with this whole blogging thing again.  These pictures are not great---I'm no photographer, but we'll keep trying.

Of course, I did not try to go to church Christmas Sunday, but Chris and Elisabeth did in the evening.  Here they are, ready for church, snuggling with Lydia before they leave.
This quickly became routine first thing in the morning, when E. would get up.

Here is E. on the left with her cousin Laura.  We think they will be best friends forever!

Elisabeth LOVES to help me "make bread".  We don't bake a lot at this point in our lives (none of us needs the goodies), but every couple weeks or so we make a batch of bread.   E. already knows the routines.

Welcome to Lydia Ruth Jackman!  
8 lb. 9 oz., 20 inches